5 Steps To Craft Your Personal Narrative - She Runs It
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5 Steps To Craft Your Personal Narrative

By AlysonCarney

By: Alexandra Alazio, Sales Marketing Director, Group Nine Media

Last Tuesday night, She Runs It members and guests gathered to talk about everyone’s favorite topic: themselves.

But the question at hand was how to do that in a way that feels authentic.

She Runs It Executive Class member Mary Murcko, SVP of Partnership & Revenue at Fullscreen, kicked off the night with a passionate talk about how she built her own brand. Her talk focused on a big risk she made 7 years ago that turned out to be exactly her story needed – moving to Bangkok with her husband. She ended up in media in a strangely new country that gave her the freedom to make mistakes with nobody watching and she quickly fell back on the skills she developed as a seller in the advertising industry, including networking and talking to people.

“You’re not defined by the people around you – you tell your own story. And your brand narrative iterative as you gain more personal clarity. Ask yourself, who am I? Where do I fit in? What am I passionate about?” said Murcko.

When she came back to the U.S., she carried with her a fierceness and conviction that she encouraged attendees to find inside themselves, encouraging each to use it without fear so they can find their ultimate success.

From there Murcko turned the mic over to Alli Young, CEO + Founder of The Forem, who urged the group to take time out to focus on controlling their narratives. Why? Because most every major conversation that elevates your career happens when you’re not even there in the room. (Think: conversations on hiring, compensation, promotions, choice projects, and referrals.) So how do you begin?

5 Steps to Craft Your Narrative:

  1. Identify your unique strengths. How would others describe you? In fact, ask someone to!
  2. Think about your passions and what most excites & energizes you during your day. These are the things you are good at! (And the goal is to do more of those.)
  3. Describe your current role / what you want in your next role. What makes you the perfect person for either of them? Remember, you are bringing your personal context, origin story, and unique experience to the table.
  4. Pull that altogether into a statement that represents your best self.
  5. Practice, practice, practice. Get comfortable articulating your value to your network and people you meet. The more you practice, the more you’ll refine.


Remember: Be ready, so you never have to get ready.