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Select a Membership
Select a Membership
Activate your membership
Activate your membership
You are in luck!
We've identified you as an employee of a Corporate Alliance Partner of She Runs It.
You're eligible for a free membership for
the entire duration of this partnership. To save , please
check your corporate email inbox for your membership activation code.
Remember to check your spam folder and to add
to your contact list to avoid any correspondences from going
into your spam folder.
Once your activation is complete, sign in to your dashboard to
start enjoying all of your member benefits.
We're so glad you want to join us!
We've identified you as an employee of a Corporate Alliance Partner of She Runs It.
Your company offers free She Runs It memberships to its
employees, but at this time, there aren't any spots left.
Please reach out to to inquire about gaining access to Executive Class. If you prefer to get a
membership now, you can purchase it at the regular price.