50 Is Not Enough - She Runs It
Thought Leadership

50 Is Not Enough

By Lynn Branigan

It’s October, and She Runs It is busy with Seramount evaluating the results from our fourth annual #Inclusive100 survey and analysis. Several companies dedicated time and resources at the beginning of the year to submit data related to their workforce composition, corporate policies, and company culture. That information is now being aggregated into a report that will not only indicate the direction the industry is moving with regards to DEI progress, but it will also reveal the most successful tactics and strategies that companies have used to truly move the needle on inclusion and diversity.


I have been particularly curious about the results of the 2020 survey because of the seismic impact our industry withstood from the global pandemic, a reckoning with racial inequality in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, and the economic turmoil that unfolded as a result of both. Indeed, a first pass at the #Inclusive100 numbers is bearing out what others have learned: 2020 was a disproportionately bad year for women, and in particular Black and Brown women.


That said, the most beneficial aspect of the #Inclusive100 consortium is its focus on action. The companies that index highly in the survey give us a clear snapshot of what those determined organizations have done to push for a more equitable workforce and workplace. The quarterly roundtable conversations have proven to be a master class in actions and efforts that truly propel more women and people of color toward leadership roles.


So much insight. So much learning. It begs a big question.


Currently, 50 companies are part of #Inclusive100, a sizable increase from the 11 companies that helped us launch the initiative at the beginning of 2018. I admire and celebrate every one of our #Inclusive100 consortium partners. They believe in measurement, and they are committed to action. At the same time, I am baffled that the number of participants is only 50. Why? Participants do not need to outlay a penny to participate – the only investment is in the resources needed to complete the survey and join the roundtables. There is absolutely no shaming involved in participation. The data is aggregated and only the successful actions are shared. Companies that join are aware they need to improve, and they opt to use data, measurement, and proven best practices to accelerate their intentions.


We hope to announce the 2020 results within the next month, and more than that, we hope that 50 more companies will sign on to the mission of #Inclusive100. Only what gets measured gets done, and only those who agree to participate can realize measurable progress. If you want to join the movement or get more information about #Inclusive100, click on this address: https://sherunsit.org/diversity-inclusion/