August Member of the Month - Erica Samadani, Executive Director, PR, MullenLowe U.S. - She Runs It

August Member of the Month – Erica Samadani, Executive Director, PR, MullenLowe U.S.

By She Runs It




Where do you Reside? 

Los Angeles, CA


What part of the industry do you work in? 

Public Relations


How long have you been a She Runs It Member? 

I have been a She Run’s It member for nearly one year. 


What committees/programs are you involved in within She Runs It? 

I am a part of the She Runs It Mentorship program, a member of the Executive Achievements Committee and I just joined the Leadership Development Committee. 


What advice would you give to fellow She Runs It members to make the most of their membership? 

My advice would be to join a committee that really interests you. If it’s something that you’re passionate about, you’re more likely to engage during the meetings and raise your hand to help. It’s also a great way to get to know other members and to contribute to the organization in a way that excites you.


What is something you are currently working on professionally that excites you? 

I am passionate about helping mothers get back into the workforce with the flexibility, empathy, and support they need to flourish. In the summer of 2022, I led the rollout of an internship program for moms who want to return to work, after a childcare break, aptly called Momternships. This year, I’m focused on scaling the program to include more partners and impact more moms. If you’re interested in supporting the program or starting your own Momternship program at your organization, let’s talk!


Which three words would you use to describe your personality? 

I have a sticky note on my desk that reads, “Be kind and get sh$t done.” That pretty much sums up my personality. So, three words that most accurately describe me are: Passionate, Empathetic and Driven. 


Please share your social media handles if you’d like other members to connect with you.