Chicago – March Member of the Month, Julie Whiting, Digitas - She Runs It

Chicago – March Member of the Month, Julie Whiting, Digitas

By She Runs It

Hometown? River Forest, Illinois

Current job title and company? Vice President, Director at Digitas

Describe your career journey. I started at Mediacom, a media only agency in Chicago. Before joining the agency, I had no idea media planning was even a career! After a few years there, I realized I needed to expand my digital knowledge. I was just opening myself up to the idea of moving agencies when Digitas reached out asking if I was interested in interviewing. It felt like it was meant to be. I started as a digital media planner and my role evolved into Paid Social – I’m really dating myself, but it was when paid social was first getting off the ground. It was so fascinating to be part of the building process of a channel.

Which three words would you use to describe your personality? Energetic, thoughtful and friendly

What committees/programs are you involved in with She Runs It? The mentoring committee, a mentor group leader and an actual mentor (Hi Sami!)

How has participating on the Mentoring committee helped with your own personal and career development? Being on the Mentoring committee has helped me meet other women in the industry in a team setting. I love the collaboration of pairing mentors and mentees, when we did it as a group, looking the surveys, each woman on the committee found something unique about the applicant that I didn’t see.

Name a woman who inspires you and why. Just one?! Of course I want to say my mom or sister. Or my best friend, she’s a teacher, has her masters, AND is a mom, but I’ll stick with two someone’s closer to work. My boss, Megan McCurry inspires me through her calm approach and ability to turn weaknesses into strengths. Ronnie Dickerson, a dear friend at work and mentor, inspires me to be more thoughtful and intentional with my words and work. With Ronnie’s guidance, I’ve become more confident in my voice and a strong advocate for positive change in advertising.

What does the words “She Runs It” mean to you? Community and support.