December eMember of the Month, Crystal Mozal, Vice President of Sales, Midwest, true[X] - She Runs It

December eMember of the Month, Crystal Mozal, Vice President of Sales, Midwest, true[X]

By She Runs It

Hometown: Goodrich, MI and currently residing in Lake Orion, MI

Current Job Title/Company/State: Vice President of Sales, Midwest | true[X] | Michigan

Which three words would you use to describe your personality? Driven, Outgoing, Inclusive

Name a woman who inspires you and why? My mother. She had a successful career but never missed a basketball game when I was younger. As a mother now myself, I have a deep appreciation for all she did to give us a great childhood while being an excellent example of a professional working woman.

What does She Runs It’s new eMembership mean for you? I think it’s so important to be connected and see a bigger picture of our industry from other talented individuals. Given our current climate, it’s been great to see She Runs It pivot to virtual opportunities for us to stay connected and continue to grow as professionals (even if we are stuck behind a keyboard for the next 6 months).

How did you benefit from attending a She Runs It networking circle recently? I’m going to be honest, I had a day full of Zoom calls and didn’t feel like joining that day. My son had just started a new school and I told myself, if he can do something new and uncomfortable then so can I. Once the networking meeting ended, I left feeling encouraged and refreshed. I met some awesome women and felt like I wasn’t alone in some of things I’m experiencing during the pandemic. I would encourage everyone to make time in your day to attend these.

What is inspiring you during this period of change we are all currently experiencing? Most inspiring to me has been my inner support circle and how everyone came together since the pandemic. Both personally and professionally, I felt completely supported and enamored by the efforts I saw.

Starting in March, it was gathering supplies to make masks for our frontliners, food drives for children who suddenly didn’t get that needed meal at school and sharing flour, a puzzle or a bottle of wine on a doorstep to ensure everyone was as safe and comfortable as possible. My company, true[X] hosted 20+ virtual events the past 6 months and every one of them had a charity donation aspect and hiring a small business to execute the event, to ensure we were supporting our local communities.

I was truly inspired by the women in my inner circle. When the going gets tough, women just get shit done. It’s incredible.

Offices closed and working from home? No problem.

Learning completely new ways to conduct business in a pandemic-world? No problem.

Teaching our children at home while balancing our careers? No problem.

Powering through our day and hiding our tears from our children so they feel loved and a sense of normalcy? We got this.

It’s incredible what you can overcome when you have a solid support system. If you don’t have one, start with me –

And those are the people who have inspired me and keep inspiring me as we live through this pandemic.