July Member of the Month - Jes Jenzen, Sales Director, Teads - She Runs It

July Member of the Month – Jes Jenzen, Sales Director, Teads

By She Runs It




Columbus, OH, where I currently live with my husband and two children, 2 and 3yo. I’m part of our Midwest team based in Chicago.

What part of the industry do you work in?

Digital Sales/Ad Tech

How long have you been a She Runs It Member? 

I became a member in 2018 at the recommendation of several coworkers/ when I was in Chicago at Time Inc. I loved attending events and connecting with others in the broader industry and to this day, the networking and events are one of the highlights of my membership.

What committees/programs are you involved in within She Runs It?

I am currently the Co-Chair of the Midwest Leadership Committee which I have been a part of since 2020. I have participated in the Mentoring program 2x, participating both as a mentee and mentor. I also currently serve as one of Teads’ two iCAP Ambassadors. 

What advice would you give to fellow She Runs It members to make the most of their membership?

One of the best things about She Runs It is that there is always an opportunity to get more involved. I’d advise fellow members to raise their hand to join a committee that is of particular interest to them, to take advantage of the mentorship program and to attend in-person events to connect with others. We are lucky to work in such a vibrant industry and community, and the ability to lean in, connect with others and develop new relationships is such a unique opportunity that SRI can help encourage.

What is something you are currently working on professionally that excites you?

Teads has spent the last 5 years researching Attention as a metric, what it is, its drivers and how it can lead to quality outcomes. We’re now working with partners to apply those learnings and measure it in action. I find the key insights and future applications fascinating. I enjoy the ‘practical, IRL’ aspect of our jobs and the ability to constantly be learning about consumers and how they are living their day-to-day lives. On a more personal note, I absolutely love the everyday opportunity to connect with people in our industry, hearing their stories and fostering both new and existing relationships.

Which three words would you use to describe your personality?

Sincere, Engaging, Compassionate

Please share your social media handles if you’d like other members to connect with you.

Jes Jenzen on LinkedIn and/or Instagram