May Member of the Month - Tiffany Wade, Associate Director of Planning, EssenceMediacom - She Runs It

May Member of the Month – Tiffany Wade, Associate Director of Planning, EssenceMediacom

By She Runs It




Hometown/ Current City 

Canton, OH/Atlanta, GA


What made you join She Runs It? 

I loved the name and I wanted to join this community of like-minded women to network and empower one another.


What was the last event of She Runs It you attended? 

The Atlanta Member Mingle


What is something you are currently working on professionally that excites you? 

I am currently participating in a McKinsey Leadership Accelerator Program that is providing me with leadership tools and resources that I am excited to implement and share in my personal and professional life.


Which three words would you use to describe your personality?  

Passionate, Authentic, Humorous.


What are you looking forward to, having joined She Runs It? 

My continuous involvement in the mentoring program and increasing my involvement within the SE region.


Name a person who inspires you and why? 

Kobe Bryant. Kobe has created a worldwide legacy and influence because of his mastery of multiple disciplines that he achieved by his self-coined “mamba mentality”. I embrace the mamba mentality in my life endeavors and hope to create my own legacy and influence. Kobe has also been very supportive of girls’ and women’s sports and really leaned into empowering women.


Please share your social media handles if you’d like other members to connect with you 

Please connect with me on LinkedIn:  HERE