New York – July Member of the Month, Rachel Conforti, Vice President of Marketing at Innovid - She Runs It

New York – July Member of the Month, Rachel Conforti, Vice President of Marketing at Innovid

By She Runs It


Staten Island, NY

Current Job title/company

VP, Marketing at Innovid

Describe your career journey.

From a college grad commuting by bus to midtown to a married career mom living on the upper east side of Manhattan, I’ve overcome many obstacles to obtain my goals. Starting out in outdoor advertising to now digital marketing, I’ve run the gamut from an entry level sales coordinator to a VP leadership role. Finding the work-life balance has never been more important than over the last two years after my son was born. I’ve pivoted my career into different industries, specialties, and functions but at the heart, it’s always been about telling a story.

What three words would you use to describe your personality?

Outgoing. Motivating. Authentic.

Name a woman who inspires you and why?

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to report to a number of women who inspired me. Collectively, they have provided the guidance and leadership that has (and still does) shape my own management style and behaviors. From creating compelling presentations to finding my voice in asking for forgiveness (not permission), these women have taught me to go for my goals. They are leaders, change makers, and true trailblazers in their own right.

What are you involved with at She Runs it?

I’ve been a She Runs It member for the past nine years and truly love this organization for the empowerment of women in advertising and marketing. I’ve co-chaired the PR committee back when it was AWNY and led a social media campaign for its 100-year celebration. Currently, I’m a mentor for two mentees and part of the leadership development committee.

Why do you think it is important for women in the industry to give back as mentors?

I was fortunate enough to have found great mentors throughout my career and wouldn’t be where I am without them. Now it’s time to pay it forward and help others find their way. Outside of corporate life, I’m also a health and fitness coach, so I’m naturally mentoring people all the time on realizing their best selves.

You co-hosted a mentoring meetup on executive presence, what is the number one suggestion you would give young executives in demonstrating that executive presence in the workplace?

Dress for the part you want – not what you have. Be self-aware of your actions.  Be open to criticism/coaching as there is probably some truth in it (as hard as it may be to hear).