New York – June Member of the Month, Mary Perrella, Business Development Manager, Entertainment & Advertising, Barco Inc. - She Runs It

New York – June Member of the Month, Mary Perrella, Business Development Manager, Entertainment & Advertising, Barco Inc.

By She Runs It

Current job title and company

Business Development Manager, Entertainment & Advertising, Barco Inc.

How many years have you been a member of She Runs It?

I have been a member for 22 years.

Briefly describe your role at your company, and what’s an accomplishment (success story) at your current company that you are proud of.

My role at Barco is in a start-up market segment focused on bringing Barco’s visualization technologies — LCD, LED, Projection, Image Processing, Content Management Systems — to the OOH Advertising media space and retail applications. Being part of a start-up is very gratifying when you are truly “hands-on”, lots of cold calling, and evangelizing, helping to create marketing materials, and working to connect the wires internally to create a unified offering.

Which three words would you use to describe your personality?

Focused, Collaborative, Active

How have you been utilizing your She Runs It membership?

I have mentored around 8 different women in the past.  I attend many events each year, usually at least one awards event, all the thought-leadership events, and the member meetings. I network at events, and I have used the member directory to reach out to fellow members. Co-chairing the programming committee for the last eight years has opened so many doors for me, and has allowed me to develop and utilize my leadership skills, and public speaking skills, that have really helped my career!

How has She Runs It impacted your career?

Years ago, I accepted a tremendous opportunity in Allentown PA.  And when I returned to NY after 6 years (before there was LinkedIn), and many of my contacts had moved positions, I was having a difficult time re-connecting with the advertising community. So, I reached out to AWNY (now She Runs It), became a member in order to network, with the intention to try and track down the people I had worked with. I joined the membership committee so that I could learn about how the organization ran and got to meet the dynamic women who were running the committees and events. I have met so many amazing men and women who have inspired me and have mentored me. I have met contacts for sales, for job opportunities, career, and moral support.

Are you a member of any other industry organizations? 

I am a member of Digital Signage Federation, Barco All-Star Ambassadors, and Staten Island Woman’s Leadership Collaborative.

What are the top 3 member benefits that you feel are important for someone considering joining the organization?

Networking, Education, and Inspiration.

Which She Runs It event(s) would you recommend to someone unfamiliar with the organization and why?

I would recommend either the Impact Awards or the Advertising Week Leadership Breakfast. Both events are filled with truly inspirational stories and how they have impacted the women in our industry.