November Member of the Month: Tamara Scarlett, Client Partner, Oracle Data Cloud - She Runs It

November Member of the Month: Tamara Scarlett, Client Partner, Oracle Data Cloud


Hometown? Bellmore, NY

Current job title and company? Client Partner, Oracle Data Cloud

Describe your career journey. My career journey has been anything but linear. I started my career as a headhunter in the marketing and creative field and I developed an interest in learning more about Digital Marketing. After countless cold emails, networking events, and practically begging, I landed my first digital role. Unfortunately the digital role I landed was not the right fit. I didn’t enjoy what I was doing and quite frankly I wasn’t passionate about it. I thought about leaving but I didn’t want to quit such an amazing opportunity at such a great company. Instead, I spent the year learning. I read every digital book I could get my hands on, went to every networking event I could fit in my calendar, and listened to as many talks as I possibly could. After putting in my time, and learning as much as I could I realized that I started to have strong opinions on the “right” and “wrong” ways to implement digital media. After networking and talking to women in my field I learned I could advise brands on digital strategies and measure success by entering into sales. That quickly became my goal as I rose through the ranks at AOL from Account Management into Sales. After having a strong few years at AOL, I was ready for my next challenge. Most recently, I decided to dive head first into something totally different. I recently joined Oracle Data Cloud and I am back to learning as much as I can (this time about data) and I have never been more excited.

How has She Runs It helped you personally and/or professionally? She Runs it is a great place for women (and men!) to meet other like-minded industry professionals. The mission has always helped inspired me to believe that maybe one day I could be at the head of the table. Coming from an immigrant family, I had no one who I can turn to for advice on navigating the corporate world of marketing and advertising. She Runs it gave me a place where I could find other like-minded women to turn to with questions, for advice, and to create a long-lasting bond.

What encouraged you to join the mentoring program? “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.”  When I joined the mentoring program I was at a huge crossroads because I loved my job, my manager, and my company but I was craving a new challenge. I have to admit, I was nervous to leave a stable amazing environment to move into unfamiliar territory. Joining the mentoring program was the first step to getting the courage to move and try a new challenge and finding my mentor is what sealed the deal. I look back now, and I am so proud of the decision I made. And I am so grateful to the program to help me find the courage to do it.

Describe a defining moment in which your mentor’s guidance influenced your career development. My mentor, Michelle Vincent, has been such a great resource for me to talk to and confide in. When I was looking at leaving a place of comfort where I was succeeding to go to new uncharted territory, I carried fear with me. Michelle showed me that it’s okay to have fear, but it’s also important to know your value and figure out your strengths and your weaknesses and find a job that highlights your strengths. For me, that was one of the most valuable life lessons I’ve ever gotten.

Why do you think it’s important for young women to have a mentor? Because nothing great was ever accomplished alone. It’s important to learn how to ask for help and advice when you need it. A mentor is a locked in person for you to lean on to help navigate and listen. Let’s be honest we are all human. We are all going to make mistakes (small and big), have to make tough calls and decisions (life changing and not) and we will all have questions. It’s nice to have someone a little removed from your everyday life that is there for you.

What do you like to do in your free time? I am a huge traveler and have spent time visiting and volunteering in amazing countries. Some of my favorites include Cambodia, Viet Nam, Cuba and of course Jamaica. When I am state side I enjoy dancing ballet, watching Broadway shows and eating my way through NY. If you need recommendations on the best tacos or pizza spots …I am your girl!

What is your personal philosophy? I have two: The winner of the race is the person who trains everyday. “People will forget what you say, but people will never forget the way you made them feel…” – Maya Angelou


Connect with Tamara on LinkedIn