Mentoring Makes Leaders - She Runs It
Thought Leadership

Mentoring Makes Leaders

By Lynn Branigan

Oprah Winfrey once said, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”So true. The experience and wisdom shared with a mentee by a mentor generates an energy that benefits both participants. She Runs It operates the industry’s most robust mentoring program, and thousands of individuals have participated in the bi-annual sessions. Applications for mentors and mentees are now open. Why should you join us? 

Hundreds of mentors have leaned in over the years to lend their insights and strategies to rising stars in our industry. They express the rewards of doing so this way: 

“Being a mentor to young women in marketing is one of the most rewarding roles I’ve held. Building a relationship with a mentee and helping them navigate their career refreshes my perspective and gets me excited for what’s to come from this next generation of leaders.” 

Britt Cushing, 3x Mentor


“Mentoring & coaching younger women in the industry is a rewarding experience … to hear their perspectives and challenges (with fresher eyes in advertising after my 15+ year career). I have always come out of each session with my own learning and growth.”

Meredith Alenky, 4x Mentor 


“I personally loved having the opportunity to mentor women in our industry…I loved being super transparent about things like salary, advice on things that women in particular struggle to navigate (eg. Asking for what we deserve!) and just generally providing a safe space to talk about anything and everything.  Women along my career path gave me confidence to navigate this industry and I hope, in some small way, I was able to do the same for my mentees in She Runs It”. – Elizabeth Brown, 5x Mentor 


“Watching them take risks and really challenge the conventional wisdom of our industry. It’s truly inspirational!” -Noemi Garcia, 2x Mentor   


“I credit the success of my career to many of the female leaders who have supported me, and I love being able to return the favor to build the next generation of marketing leaders.“

Karmen Conrad, 2x Mentor 


“I have found so much value in helping professional women identify and navigate their career paths through She Runs It’s mentorship program. It feels even better knowing that doing so is one step in paying forward the debt of gratitude I owe to the women who have given me the coaching, support, and guidance to be able to confidently do the same for others.”

Samantha Hardage, 1x Mentor 

For the mentees, the She Runs It mentoring program is a dose of perspective and knowledge that can’t be obtained through any other avenue. Having a seasoned sounding board and ally is an empowering experience that illuminates the most successful ways to navigate a career. Past mentees have described the experience like this: 


“The most surprising benefit of participating was the support from both my peer member and my mentor. I had expected to learn new things and sharpen skills, but I unexpectedly built strong relationships that helped me brainstorm solutions and solve everyday challenges in the work world. I’m so grateful!”

Jen Brennan, Mentee 


“I have been pleasantly surprised with the openness and authentic nature of everyone that I’ve met as part of the program. Peers and mentors are genuinely interested in helping each other progress in their career and openly share their personal experiences and challenges.”

Karmen Conrad, 2x Mentee 


“What sets this program apart is the chance to collaborate with remarkable, accomplished women in an open, candid, and supportive setting. The ability to connect on both a personal and professional level with women whose career paths I aspire to emulate has truly been a game-changer for my own career development. It has shown me that there is a clear path to achieving my career goals and, most importantly, has instilled in me the belief that I am fully capable of reaching them.”

Samantha Hardage, 2x Mentee 


“This past session we worked in a group mentoring situation.  At first, I was hesitant about how this would work out, but it was truly the most rewarding experience and such an unexpected benefit. Not only did I learn from my mentor, but I also learned so much from the other mentees.  There were a lot of common themes we discussed, and it was helpful to work through those as a group, and to learn that someone else was experiencing something similar (i.e. imposter syndrome & confidence came up a few times).”

Meredith Alenky, 2x Mentee

 Sign up for our next mentoring session. Change a life. Shape a leader.