VIDEO: Inside Look - A Brand, a Cause, and a Consumer Connection - She Runs It
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VIDEO: Inside Look – A Brand, a Cause, and a Consumer Connection

By She Runs It


There is an authentic way to approach cause marketing, and that is to stay true to the commitments and behavior that have historically defined a brand.

Since 1999, when Aflac CEO Dan Amos declared “I don’t want everybody sitting at the table to look like me,” the company has persistently diversified its workforce and publicly aligned with organizations and initiatives that advance people of color, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

In its newest campaign launched during the 2021 college football season, Aflac has extended its message of caring for people when they need them most, whether through their policies and services or the way they tackle issues that are important to all communities.

Join She Runs It for a candid conversation with the Alfac Chief Brand & Marketing officer and its media agency Spark Foundry to learn how finding the right intersection between culture and commitment can lead to meaningful connections with people inside a company and out.


Tara Dowling, VP, Director, Spark Foundry

Shannon Watkins, Senior Vice President, Chief Brand & Marketing Officer, Aflac