Women. Cannes. Do! - She Runs It
Thought Leadership

Women. Cannes. Do!

By Lynn Branigan

The signs are encouraging.

There are at least 15 sessions across the official Cannes agenda that focus on women, inclusion and intersectionality. Cannes jury composition continues to move in the right direction: this year 48 percent of jury members are female across all judging categories (up from 46% in 2018, 43% in 2017 and 40% in 2016). Companies like IPG, Kantar, Nielsen, and TFQ are elevating the gender equality conversation up and down the Croisette with sessions and events that focus on women and the work, the workplace and the workforce.

She Runs It is also amplifying the equality conversation in Cannes. This year we are hosting four events in three days (RSVP here), in partnership with several partners who share our mission to pave the way for more women to lead at every level of marketing, media and tech.

On Tuesday (6/18), we are partnering with Fluent and Pandora to host The Best of the Badass Bosses, featuring voices and stories from women who are shattering the glass ceiling and pulling others up to join them (at the Pandora cabana).

On Wednesday (6/19), Teads is co-hosting a panel session with us on their yacht. Titled She Runs It, He Gets It, this is a conversation with male and female executives – who are also partners-in-success – to uncover the super powers of women leaders and the men who give them the space (and support) to excel.

Also on Wednesday, The Room (part of Chameleon Collective), is hosting a cocktail party for the She Runs It community on The Room’s yacht.

And on Thursday morning (6/20), Facebook is sharing their beach stage with us to host Fearless Voices, a curated series of stories from the gutsy women (and men), who have confronted bias, challenged stereotypes and shed light on the dark corners of bigotry to pave a path for women to lead.

Cannes Lions has always been an epicenter for creativity and storytelling across new technology, screens and devices, and the content it offers up has become essential learning for anyone hoping to connect a brand to an audience in the 21st Century. In the past two years, Cannes has also become the backdrop for some of the most important conversations around gender and inclusion, and because it is one of a few moments in time when the entire industry is assembled in one place, having a voice there is as efficient as it is important.

If you are headed to Cannes later this month, please let us know. And please consider yourself our guest at any of the four events we are hosting.