Pronouns: She/Her
Where do you Reside? Chicago, IL
What part of the industry do you work in? Advertising Sales
How long have you been a She Runs It Member? 4 years
What committees/programs are you involved in within She Runs It? I am on the Mentorship Committee, Young Executive Committee, an Internal Corporate Ambassador for Disney Advertising Sales and have been a mentee in the Mentorship Program multiple times.
What advice would you give to fellow She Runs It members to make the most of their membership? Be as active as you can! Raise your hand to join a committee that interests you, attend in-person events (and bring a friend!), connect with others, and definitely take advantage of the mentorship program. The She Runs It organization is such a rewarding organization to be a part of and connects you with such an amazing group of individuals.
What is something you are currently working on professionally that excites you? I’ve been at Disney now for a year and a half so I’m excited to continue to engage more with clients as their strategic lead across Disney. I’m looking forward to celebrating Disney turning 100 this year not only as an employee but as a huge fan of the brand as well. If you haven’t caught Once Upon a Studio on Disney+, the nostalgic short is incredibly heartwarming!
Which three words would you use to describe your personality? Passionate, authentic, creative
Please share your social media handles if you’d like other members to connect with you. (optional)