Two Mentoring Sessions: Spring and Fall
We program two, 9-month mentoring sessions that kick off in April and September of each year. Mentees and mentors can apply via the website beginning approximately two months prior to each session launch. Applications will open in February. Watch the carousel and the member newsletter for notifications.

Personal growth and professional development.
The She Runs It Mentoring Program connects experienced industry professionals with aspiring talent in a supportive and intimate small group environment. The goal is to provide each individual with a mutually rewarding relationship. It is a unique opportunity for every member of a mentoring team to share knowledge and wisdom that applies to real-world work (and life) experiences.

A personal and unique approach to every group.
You must be a current She Runs It member to apply to the Mentoring Program.
Once accepted into the program, mentoring teams commit to meeting at least 9 times a year (once a month), and are guided through the process with the support of a She Runs It staff member and mentoring committee.
For more information about the Mentoring Program, watch our mentoring information session video below.
Want to learn more about the Mentoring Program?
Connect with the She Runs it Mentoring community on facebook and download additional resources at the links below. Still have questions? Contact (Northeast), (Midwest), (Southeast, Southwest),