Please find answers to some commonly asked questions below. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to info@sherunsit.org, or see the Contact Us section of the website.
There are four options for She Runs It Membership. Options include:
- Young Executive (YE) – Membership for US residents under the age of 30. Membership dues are $125 annually. When a YE turns 30, their dues will increase to Premier Member rates.
- Premier – Membership for US residents 30 years old and above. Membership dues are currently $200.
- International – Membership for anyone outside of the US or Canada. Membership dues are currently $100.
- Executive Class – Membership for senior level executives with a minimum 15 years of experience. Special events are curated for executive class members, as well as special opportunities. Applications are required and must be approved. Membership dues are currently $2500
*All members are encouraged to keep their membership current, and not to let their membership lapse.
Joining She Runs It is a great way to expand your network, and to develop your leadership & career skills. When you join She Runs It, you are joining a welcoming community of professionals who all have the common goal – to pave the way for more women of every ethnicity and identity to lead at every level of marketing, media, and tech.
Membership benefits include:
- Access to the industry’s most robust mentoring program
- Networking Opportunities
- Access to Education Loan Grant
- Access to our member directory of over 7,000 professionals
- Discounted or free member pricing to events
- Opportunity to join one of She Runs It’s committees
- Complete access to our job bank to search and post open positions
Yes, our membership organization is a 501 c-6. All events and fundraising activities are a part of The She Runs It Foundation, which is a 501 c-3. This recognizes the educational value of the programs we offer. It also acknowledges the fact that a portion of the proceeds we raise from events and fundraising are used for charitable purposes.
Yes. Our remit is to lift women who work for brands (in marketing), advertising agencies, media companies, publishers, tech firms, and PR agencies.
- To propel more women of every ethnicity and identity into leadership roles across the marketing, media, and tech landscape
- Enable women to realize their full potential as leaders
- Highlight the positive impact women have on the companies they work for, the teams they are part of, the communities they live in, and the work that they do
- Document and spotlight women-led companies – their financial success and business
- Help companies attract, retain, and elevate more women in the workforce
She Runs It was founded in New York then expanded into Chicago in 2016. Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, when She Runs It pivoted to an all-virtual programming schedule, the organisation has gone global, expanding to include all of the US, Canada, and 12+ countries around the world.
Yes. We have several male members, and their perspective is invaluable. We want more. Men are vital to our industry and vital to our mission.
The “She” in She Runs It stands for every individual who experiences the challenges that women face in marketing, media and tech; plus all of their allies.
She Runs It relies heavily on active committee membership to help shape the programming and indeed the overall trajectory of the organization. Committees are amazing leadership and networking opportunities, putting you in proximity to others in the industry who actively want to make a difference. Each committee meets once a month, generally via video conference, for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Overall committee participation can be a time commitment of 2 to 5 hours a month, depending what your committee is working on. She Runs it Committees are listed below, you can sign up for a committee by logging into your membership dashboard on the She Runs It website and selecting your committee of choice.
Once you sign up, you will receive an invitation to the next committee meeting, or a follow-up email.
- Leadership Development or Connected Leaders Committee
- Executive Achievement Committee
- Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee
- Young Executive Committee
- Mentoring Program Committee
- Executive Class Member Committee
There are two, nine-month mentoring programs. Our Spring Session Applications open in February, and the program starts at the end of April. The Fall Session Applications open in July, and the program begins in late September. We post the dates for applications on our web site and in marketing emails. You can apply for the program through your member dashboard. Each Session begins with a Kickoff Event where we share best practices and discuss how to get the most out of these relationships. You’ll also hear from fellow members who have participated in the program with tips for optimizing the experience.
Award nominations are open to members and non-members alike. Education Loan grants and the mentoring program are only available to active members. We’d love to welcome you as a member. Please log onto sherunsit.org and click on “Become a Member” in the upper, right-hand corner of the landing page.