IN-PERSON EVENT: Media Insights Breakfast

Marketing’s Greatest Disruptor (Hint: it’s NOT AI)The industry’s biggest disruptor is NOT Artificial Intelligence. It’s people. The consumer population is shapeshifting and fragmenting at an accelerated pace. Gen Z controls […]

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IN-PERSON EVENT: The Roast of Susan Credle

Creative powerhouse. Advertising legend. Champion of DEI. Creator of Mayhem. Susan Credle is all of these things and more. FCB Global Chair and IPG’s first-ever Global Creative Advisor, Susan has earned […]

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VIRTUAL EVENT: Networking Circles

Join us for Networking Circles and make connections with the She Runs It community. We host these conversations to help our members find a safe space to share and build comradery, and we curate them according to member suggestions. During the registration process, share a little about yourself and suggest topics that you are interested in […]

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