Last week we quietly celebrated Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26). It is a date that was designated by Congress in 1971 to commemorate the 1920 date when the Nineteenth Amendment was certified, giving women the right to vote in America.

At She Runs It, we marked the day the way we mark every day: pursuing our mission, which is to pave the way for more women of every ethnicity, background and identity to lead at every stage of her career in marketing, media, and tech. Women’s Equality Day signifies the resilience that women throughout history have demonstrated in pursuit of the same rights that men have enjoyed. The day celebrates the progress made towards eliminating gender-based barriers in all areas of life. And while we applaud the fact that the day seeks to educate the public, mobilize resources to address global issues, and celebrate humanity’s achievements, for us this isn’t a one day observance, it’s an everyday commitment to action.

We provide a host of benefits and opportunities designed to lift women to their full potential in our industry … from mentoring, to education loan grants, to networking, to entrepreneurial guidance and grants, to educational and inspirational programs that address critical industry topics, and much, much more.

If you would like to support our 24/7/365 pursuit of women’s equality, please visit our website (, and click on “Partner with Us”. Individuals can also click here to donate directly. If you want to join forces with us as a Corporate Alliance partner, please reach out to, or you can click here and use code Cause24 to register to attend our free Cause for Cocktails event designed to educate new partners about the work we are doing.

Please join our effort to make every day Women’s Equality Day.