Community and Connection

In 2022, She Runs It launched the Start Accelerator program

The early-stage start-up accelerator, designed with the guidance of digtialundivided, provided coaching, mentorship, and grants to women founders at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. The first cohort of ten participants presented their business ideas during a demo day at the conclusion of the 10-week curriculum.

Our Approach

Participants work hand-in-hand with experienced entrepreneurs, mentors and each other

The She Runs It Foundation will select a second cohort for the Start Accelerator program in 2025. Rooted in a holistic approach that focuses on nurturing the business and the entrepreneur, the program will combine a startup curriculum plus access to a unique support infrastructure of mentors, community, and connection. Over the course of the program, participants will refine their idea and business plan, get customer feedback, and develop an investor pitch. The Accelerator will culminate with a demo day where the participants will pitch their business to a curated audience of investors and entrepreneurs.