She Runs It at Cannes: Lift As You Climb

She Runs It Presents Lift As You Climb The World Economic Forum estimates that it will take 169 years to close the global gender gap in economic participation and opportunity, […]

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She Runs It at Cannes: Best of the Badass Bosses

She Runs It Presents Best of the Badass Bosses She is distinctively tough ... of formidable strength or skill. Fierce, but fair. Delegates work with ease, gives credit where it’s due, but also owns the outcome. No matter how you describe her, a badass boss is a force to be reckoned with – resilient, respected, […]

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She Runs It at Cannes: She Runs It. He Gets It.

She Runs It Presents She Runs It. He Gets It. Women are good for business...that fact is indisputable. Multiple studies have shown that companies where women are most strongly represented at executive levels are also the companies that perform best in profitability, productivity and workforce engagement. Often the greatest accelerants for women into leadership roles […]

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